Factum Shop

Dippy scaled editions

The miniature cast of Fern

12,000.00 £

The intricately detailed miniature of Fern, the 25-meter Diplodocus installed in 2024 at the Natural History Museum, London, is now available for purchase. Made by Factum Arte, it is crafted with high-precision laser sintering technology in stainless steel and mounted on a Spanish walnut base. This collectible captures the elegance and scale of the original while offering a timeless piece for enthusiasts and collectors alike.

The Bakor Monoliths. Preserving ancestral stones in south-eastern Nigeria

The Bakor Monoliths. Preserving ancestral stones in south-eastern Nigeria


This publication explores the cultural significance and preservation challenges of the Bakor monoliths in Cross River State, Nigeria. The result of six years of work and collaboration with several Nigerian and international partners, it is the first book dedicated to the subject since Philip Allison’s 1968 Cross River Monoliths. Factum Foundation’s work on the Bakor monoliths is generously supported by the Carène Foundation.

The Aura in the Age of Digital Materiality: Rethinking preservation in the shadow of an uncertain future


This publication focuses on Factum Foundation’s work to promote the use of high-resolution recording, digital restoration and creative re-materialisation while bringing into focus the changing attitudes towards owning, sharing, preserving and displaying cultural artefacts. It accompanies the exhibition ‘La Riscoperta di un Capolavoro’ (12 March – 28 June 2020) at Palazzo Fava, Bologna.

Soane’s Ark. Building with Symbols


This book was written to accompany the exhibition Soane’s Ark at Sir John Soane’s Museum. For this exhibition, Factum recreated a wooden ark, now lost, which was designed by Soane for the Freemasons. The book contextualises the original object within the history and symbolism of Freemasonry, and against the wider body of Soane’s work for the masons. It also discusses the issues entailed in the resurrection of a lost object.

Two Hundred Years in the Life of the Tomb of Seti I


In October 2017, Factum Foundation published Two Hundred Years in the Life of the Tomb of Seti I, a book recounting the story of the tomb’s numerous restorations and reproductions since the 19th century. This illustrated publication aims to change attitudes towards the role of preservation, non-contact recording and the production of facsimiles.

Antonio Canova. Atelier


Published in 2019 and curated by the Musei Civici di Bassano del Grappa’s director Chiara Casarin, this book was done in collaboration with the founder of Factum Foundation Adam Lowe. The volume tells the story of the Canova’s artworks which the museums and Factum have collaborated on, including the digital restoration a 4-metre high statue of a horse, from their creation in the late 18th and early 19th centuries to their technological transformation today.

The Dark Hours of the Sun


The Dark Hours of the Sun is a re-telling of the Amduat, a funerary text of the New Kingdom which was reserved exclusively for pharaohs and is found inside the Tomb of Thutmose III. Adam Lowe’s text is accompanied by illustrations by Blanca Nieto.

Carceri D’Invenzione Di G. Battista Piranesi (DVD)


Gregoire Dupond has created a virtual animation of the 16 etchings from the Carceriseries. Working from the second state of each print, a complex 3D environment has been assembled creating the sensation that you are walking into and around these contradictory and visionary spaces. The Carceri are the ‘prisons of Piranesi’s imagination’.

Diverse Maniere: Piranesi, Fantasy and Excess


This is the catalogue, created by Factum Arte, for the exhibition ‘Diverse Maniere: Piranesi, Fantasy & Excess’ at Sir John Soane’s Museum, which focuses in great detail on Piranesi’s engagement with the decorative arts. Incorporated are images of the exhibition’s displays consisting of meticulous three dimensional reproductions of the objects with details on how each object has been created.

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Las Artes de Piranesi. Arquitecto, grabador, anticuario, vedutista, diseñador


Catalogue for the homonymous exhibition on the work of Giambattista Piranesi, held at Caixaforum Madrid. Alongside original engravings, photographs by Gabriele Basilico of locations depicted by Piranesi and eight objects produced by Factum Arte based on his designs are part of the exhibition.

The Arts of Piranesi. Architect, etcher, antiquarian, vedutista, designer. Exhibition Catalogue


Catalogue for the homonymous exhibition on the work of Giambattista Piranesi, held at Caixaforum Madrid. Alongside original engravings, photographs by Gabriele Basilico of locations depicted by Piranesi and eight objects produced by Factum Arte based on his designs are part of the exhibition.

La Tumba de Tutmosis III: Horas Oscuras del Sol


Catalogue for the exhibition La Tumba de Tutmosis III: Las Horas Oscuras del Sol which was organized by the Minsisterio de Cultura, Fundación Santander Central Hispano and Factum Arte at the Museo Arqueológico Nacional de Madrid. The centrepiece of the exhibition, subsequently featured in the catalogue, was an exact replica of Thutmose III´s burial chamber made by Factum Arte. Spanish Language

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Immortal Pharaoh: The tomb of Thutmose III


Catalogue for the exhibition Immortal Pharaoh: The Tomb of Thutmose III which was held at Edinburgh’s City Art Centre in 2005 and 2006. The centrepiece of the exhibition, subsequently featured in the catalogue, was an exact replica of Thutmose III’s burial chamber made by Factum Arte.

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Penelope’s Labour – Weaving Words and Images


Catalogue for the homonymous tapestry exhibition held in Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice, in 2011 and featuring weavings from their collection shown alongside contemporary woven works by Azra Aksamija, Lara Baladi, Alighiero Boetti, Manuel Franquelo, Carlos Garaicoa, Craigie Horsfield, Grayson Perry and Marc Quinn.

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Apocalypse of Saint John by Beato de Liébana

Un libro que explica el escaneo y producción del facsímil del Comentario del Apocalipsis de San Juan.

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La Dama de Elche, Tecnología Digital para la Conservación

La Dama de Elche, Tecnología Digital para la Conservación

Factum Foundation, 2003

A book in Spanish that chronicles the recording of La Dama de Elche and the producion of a facsimile as a comission by the Museum of MARQ and the Dipitación de Alicante.

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La Tumba de Seti I, Tecnología Digital para la Conservación



Multitud de tecnologías digitales avanzadas llevan usándose desde hace años en los ámbitos de la ingeniería inversa y el modelado. Sin embargo, el proyecto sin precedentes de Factum Arte ha demostrado que estas tecnologías también pueden aplicarse para ayudar a conservar la tumba del faraón Seti I, la más larga y profunda del Valle de los Reyes.

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